When the NZ Bible Training Institute was founded in 1922, the driving desire was to see people steeped in Scripture, and engaged in the work of the Gospel everywhere. A century later, we too seek to hold strongly and wisely to the evangelical faith – taking seriously our commitment to the Bible, and counting the cost of working this out in faithful renewal in all kinds of spheres and callings.
As Laidlaw College marks with gratitude the story of God’s many faithfulnesses across decades, and as we look with hope to the next century, I want to ask you – as alumni, friends and supporters of the NZ Bible Training Institute/Bible College of New Zealand/Te Kāreti Paipera o Aotearoa/Te Wānanga Amorangi/Laidlaw College – to join us this Centenary season in praying for the College and its people and work. May we continue to build on the firm foundation that has been given us, and may we still be found forming “good and faithful servants” when we mark our bicentenary.
Dr Roshan Allpress
National Principal / CEO