Ruth Thrower (née Beckett)
1961-1962 / NZBTI Diploma (Henderson Campus) I attended Young People’s Missionary Fellowship (YPMF) at BTI, Queen St in the 1950s, and...
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Ruth Thrower (née Beckett)
Shawnee Kara
Sheila Pritchard
Sheryn Sharp (née Russell)
Soo Hoong Teo
Sonya Roper (née van der Schaar)
Stacey Wheeler
Stephen Ryan
Steven Wild
Stu and Mary Crosson (née Oakley)
Suzanne Sands
Te Wahangu (Wally) Hayward
Trevor Wright
Urima Afa Moasegi
Valmai Riley (née Harris)
Wendy Berger
Wilbur Thomas Clark
Wilfred Shore
Yvonne Ennion